STAC Publications

The list below contains all STAC workshop and review documents as well as STAC correspondence and miscellaneous documents. You can fined lists filtered by these specific categories under the Publications menu at the top of the page. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option and enter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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Stephenson, K., D. Wardrop, L. Shabman, K. Rose, W. Dennison, J. Testa, R. Batiuk, Z. Easton. . (2025). Tiered Implementation of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL: A STAC Prospectus. Download.


McPhillips, L., A. Buda, Z. Easton, W. L. Daniels, S. Fathel, J. Ignosh, C. Raj, D. Sample. (2024). Best Management Practices to Minimize Impacts of Solar Farms on Landscape Hydrology and Water Quality. Download.

Berger, K, K. Filippino, G. Shenk, N. Goulet, M. Lookenbill, D. Moyer, G. Noe, A. Porter, J. Shallenberger, B. Thomas, and G. Yactayo. (2024). Using Local Monitoring Results to Inform the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Watershed Model. Download.

Hanson, J., K. Brownson, E. Gilinsky, K. Gootman, B. Jenkins, R. Rossi, K. Saunders, L. Wainger, B. Williams, and S. Yee. (2024). Using Ecosystem Services to Increase Progress Toward, and Quantify the Benefits of Multiple CBP Outcomes. Download.

Mason, P., G. Noe, Berlin, C., D. Clearwater, S. Claggett, D. Goerman, B. Landry, and A. Santoro.. (2024). Evaluating an Improved Systems Approach to Wetland Crediting: Consideration of Wetland Ecosystem Services. Download.

Hegberg, C., J. Egan, C. Brosch, J. Hubbart, P. Imhoff, D. Lueckenhoff, T. Miles, W. Teel, and D. Wood. (2024). Using Carbon to Achieve Chesapeake Bay (and Watershed) Water Quality Goals and Climate Resiliency: The Science, Gaps, Implementation Activities and Opportunities. Download.

Noe, G., N. Law, J. Berg, S. Filoso, S. Drescher, L. Fraley-McNeal, B. Hayes, P. Mayer, C. Ruck, B. Stack, R. Starr, S. Stranko, and T. Thompson. (2024). The State of the Science and Practice of Stream Restoration in the Chesapeake: Lessons Learned to Inform Better Implementation, Assessment, and Outcomes. Download.

(2024). STAC Workshop Overview FY25.


Batiuk, R., Brownson, K., Dennison, W., Ehrhart, M., Hanson, J., Hanmer, R., Landry, B., Reichert-Nguyen, J, Soueidan, J., Tassone, S., Vogt,B.. (2023). Rising Watershed and Bay Water Temperatures— Ecological Implications and Management Responses. Download.

Smalling, K.L., Lorah, M., Allen, G., Blaney, L., Cantwell, M., Fowler, L., Ihde, T., Mank, M., Majcher, E., Onyullo, G. and Phillips, S.. (2023). Improving Understanding and Coordination of Science Activities for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Download.