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Exploring Alternatives For Fisheries Management in the Chesapeake Bay

This workshop was structured to learn about alternative approaches to fisheries
management that are being applied throughout the United States to determine what applicability,if any, they might have to Chesapeake Bay fisheries management. These approaches range from some form of assigned property rights to fisheries (e.g., Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs), Territorial Use Rights For Fisheries (TURFs), Community Development Quotas (CDQs)) to management processes that share authority (Comanagement). Each alternative approach to management has unique characteristics that may contribute to success or failure when applied in
a specific situation. Complexities of management in the Chesapeake Bay are magnified because the Bay has three jurisdictions, Maryland, Virginia and the Potomac, sharing management responsibilities for a variety of resources. In addition to single species management alternatives,there is great interest in the Chesapeake Bay to adopt ecosystem management approaches for
Bay fisheries.

Author: D. Lipton, et al.
Keywords: territorial use; fisheries; management; quotas
Publisher: STAC
Type: STAC Workshop Reports
Volume: STAC 01-002
Year: 2001
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