
Tidal Sediments

A small group of Chesapeake Bay regional experts on sediments, water clarity, and SAV, along with CBP modelers and managers, met at the Doubletree Hotel in Annapolis, MD for 1.5 days on May 28-29, 2009.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Chesapeake Bay Program Water Quality and Sediment Transport Model (WQSTM) suspended sediment, water clarity, and SAV predictions from scenarios run to date, in the context of available data and understanding. The vetted scenarios, results, and recommended course corrections will help keep the CBP on track towards the goal of making defensible recommendations for tidal sediment allocations by 2010. It also will help to identify areas in which additional or alternate information should be used for TMDL development.

Author: Sanford, L.
Keywords: tidal; sediments; water clarity; SAV; submerged aquatic vegetation; Watershed Model; transport
Publisher: STAC
Type: STAC Workshop Reports
Volume: STAC 10-001
Year: 2010
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