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Exemplary Strategies to Protect and Restore Urban Watersheds: Preparing for the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and Watershed Implementation Plans

This workshop grew out of discussions between the Bay Program’s Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC) and STAC to explore ways in which the two committees could collaborate. LGAC represents the priorities of local governments in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and STAC provides in-depth scientific and technical support to the Bay Program, often in the form of workshops.
LGAC has identified stormwater management as one of its key priorities. The regulatory climate in the Bay watershed is rapidly changing, with Bay Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs), Two-Year Milestones and related Municipally Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits leading to profound changes in local stormwater programs. Accordingly, it was decided to conduct a workshop providing for an exchange of program and policy information among local governments and other stakeholders.
The main purpose was to introduce participants to: the Bay-driven regulatory climate and its potential effects on urban stormwater programs; several exemplary local stormwater programs; and several “state of the science” presentations. The afternoon was designed to enable a more in-depth discussion of participants’ key concerns. It was also felt that this workshop could point the way to future joint, collaborative workshops.
This summary of the workshop presents the highlights of the individual presentations including why they were selected to be in the workshop and suggests future topics that may be of interest based on those presentations. It also provides a summary of the afternoon session which was an integral part of the workshop.

Author: Sample, D., T. Graham, R. Keister, C. Pyke
Keywords: TMDL; watershed; LGAC; stormwater; urban; WIP; nutrient; runoff; BMP; local; government
Publisher: STAC
Type: STAC Workshop Reports
Volume: STAC 11-01
Year: 2011
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