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STAC Request for Workshop Proposals FY2023

The Chesapeake Bay Program’s (CBP) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) is accepting proposals for STAC-sponsored workshops for the STAC fiscal year 2023 budget cycle (beginning June 1, 2023). Workshops are organized to gather critically needed scientific and/or technical information related to protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. Workshops funded through this RFP must be convened by May 31, 2024. The total amount allocated by STAC will not exceed $10,000 for each workshop activity.

*Proposals should indicate whether the workshop is planned to convene in-person, virtually, or using a hybrid format. Hybrid events require additional A/V equipment and technical assistance, which may be provided through STAC funds or as applicable, by the applicant(s). Please contact STAC Coordinator (contact in Section IV) with any questions concerning a hybrid arrangement and/or general inquires related to this RFP.

Primary Contact: Meg Cole, STAC Coordinator
Telephone:          718-683-2023
E-Mail:                colem@chesapeake.org

Type: misc
Year: 2022
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