A Comprehensive Evaluation of System Response

The newly-released Report in Brief for the Comprehensive Evaluation of System Response (CESR) report is available now!

The 12-page summary features major findings, paths forward, and new graphics. The CESR Outreach Committee developed a 12-page summary document of the major findings and paths forward accompanied by engaging graphics and photography. The CESR Report in Brief is now available to guide you through understanding STAC’s evaluation of the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort. Download your copy here.

Achieving Water Quality Goals in the Chesapeake Bay

The May 2023 report, A Comprehensive Evaluation of System Response (CESR), summarizes the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) evaluation of why progress toward meeting the TMDL and water quality standards has been slower than expected and offers options for how progress can be accelerated. CESR is a summation of a three year investigation into the 40 year effort to reduce nutrient loads to Chesapeake Bay.

In this video, some of the contributors to CESR provide an overview of the document, its implications for management of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, and how this effort could have only been achieved by a group like STAC. You can access the video online here.


Policy Prospectuses

Additional Resources

In the list below, you can find STAC publications that support or are related to the CESR document.

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Staver, K., P. Kleinman, S. Ator, A. Buda, Q. Ketterings, J.T. Sims, and J. Meisinger. (2014). A Review of Agricultural P-dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model.


Hirsch, R., E. Yagow, M. Ribaudo, K.G. Sellner, J.K. Bohlke, K. Staver, K. Boomer. (2013). Incorporating Lag-Times Into the Chesapeake Bay Program. Download.