The workshop, “Using Local Monitoring Results to Inform the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Watershed Model”, was held in March 2023 to provide insight on the scope of local water quality monitoring efforts within and outside of the Bay watershed that could be used to inform the CBWM. Scientists and managers developed recommendations that could be used by modelers for either calibration or knowledge generation to inform the Phase 7 version of the CBWM currently under development for a 2028 decision by the CBP, recommendations for how local monitoring efforts could be designed or altered to better inform the CBWM, and recommendations for how monitored trends could be used in management. The preliminary presentations for the workshop provided essential background information on the CBWM and data used to parameterize it. This information was the foundation for discussions on existing data gaps, the importance of current local monitoring networks, and best practices for developing future monitoring networks. More information on this STAC-funded effort including workshop presentation slides and recordings can be accessed on the workshop webpage.

April Storm stormflows at the outfall of USGS monitoring station number 0204279245. Storm drain at Rivers Ridge Circle near Newport News, VA on April 20, 2015. Photograph by Aaron Porter, U.S. Geological Survey.
Suggested Citation: Berger, K, K. Filippino, G. Shenk, N. Goulet, M. Lookenbill, D. Moyer, G. Noe, A. Porter, J. Shallenberger, B. Thomas, and G. Yactayo. 2024. Using Local Monitoring Results to Inform the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Watershed Model. STAC Publication Number 24-002, Edgewater, MD. 35 pp.