The Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) sponsored and convened a workshop on Legacy Sediment in Annapolis, MD on April 24-25, 2017. This workshop was developed in response to a request from the Chesapeake Bay Commission (CBC) with the primary goal of reviewing our collective understanding of “legacy” sediment and its relative influence on habitat and water quality, both locally and across the Chesapeake Bay, as well as the relative merits of different management approaches. This is a complex topic with important implications for Chesapeake Bay and speakers were invited to ensure a broad and comprehensive assessment of the relevant issues. As articulated by CBC Executive Director Ann Swanson, “A STAC workshop, with presentations fromvarious points of view and a free and rigorous scientific debate, would greatly assist policymakers inunderstanding how “legacy” sediments fit within a suite of management activities to reduce nutrient andsediment loads to the Chesapeake Bay.”
Legacy Sediment, Riparian Corridors, and Total Maximum Daily Loads

Author: | Miller, A., M. Baker, K. Boomer, D. Merritts, K. Prestegaard, and S. Smith |
Keywords: | sediment, legacy, milldam, nutrient, erosion |
Number: | 19-001 |
Pages: | 64 |
Publisher: | STAC |
Series: | CESR |
Type: | STAC Workshop Reports |
Year: | 2019 |