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Shoreline Erosion and Chesapeake Bay Water Quality, A Scientific Evaluation of Prediction Uncertainty, Potential for Improvement, and Management Implications

The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) asked its Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) in December of 2002 to evaluate the scientific basis of selected nutrient and sediment allocation decisions. STAC decided that two sediment-related issues would benefit from quick technical review: the potential for shoreline erosion reductions to achieve improvements in water clarity and dissolved oxygen, and evaluating the effectiveness of shoreline vs. watershed reductions of sediment for improving Bay water clarity over the time frame of interest. This document primarily addresses shoreline erosion, but contains some recommendations relating to the relative influences of shoreline vs. watershed sediment sources because the two issues are interrelated.

Author: S. Phillips, L. Sanford, K. Sellner,
Keywords: erosion; water quality; water clarity; dissolved oxygen; shoreline; watershed; sediments
Publisher: STAC
Type: STAC Review Results
Year: 2003
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