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STAC Request for Workshop Proposals FY2024

The Chesapeake Bay Program’s (CBP) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) is accepting proposals for STAC-sponsored workshops for the first round of funding for the STAC fiscal year 2024 budget cycle (beginning June 1, 2024). Workshops are organized to gather critically needed scientific and/or technical information related to protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. Workshops funded through this RFP must be convened by May 31, 2025. A second call for workshop proposals will be posted in June and decisions made in September 2024. Out of a total of $40,000 available, STAC will fund between $15,000 and $25,000 in this first round and then remainder in the second. The total amount allocated by STAC will not exceed $15,000 for each workshop activity.

*Proposals should indicate whether the workshop is planned to convene in-person, virtually, or using a hybrid format. Hybrid events require additional A/V equipment and technical assistance, which may be provided through STAC funds or as applicable, by the applicant(s). Please contact STAC Coordinator (contact in Section IV) with any questions concerning a hybrid arrangement and/or general inquires related to this RFP.

Primary Contact: Meg Cole, STAC Coordinator
Telephone:          718-683-2023
E-Mail:                colem@chesapeake.org

STAC FY24 Workshop RFP

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