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Understanding Fertilizer Sales and Reporting Information

The Chesapeake Bay Model has extrapolated the state Fertilizer Tonnage Reports
to calibrate fertilizer applications within the watershed segments of the Bay for each land
use. The Agriculture Nutrient Reduction Workgroup of the Chesapeake Bay Program is
concerned about the methodology for tracking and reporting fertilizer sales data and the
accuracy of information used to represent fertilizer use in the Bay model. The
“Understanding Fertilizer Sales and Reporting Information” Workshop is the first step
toward reviewing the existing system and providing recommendations for its potential
improvements. The Workshop was sponsored by the STAC at the request of the
Agriculture Nutrient Reduction Workgroup.
The workshop objective is to provide recommendations for the improvement of
the current reporting and tracking system or the development of a more precise sitespecific
methodology to quantify fertilizer application and use in agricultural and urban

Author: W. Angstandt
Keywords: fertilizer; reporting; sales; agriculture; nutrient
Publisher: STAC
Type: STAC Workshop Reports
Volume: STAC 07-004
Year: 2007
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