An Innovative Look at the Advances of Onsite Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems
December 17, 2013 - December 18, 2013Washington, D.C., DC
Workshop lead Glynn Rountree and STAC will engage in a discussion of current and future onsite septic systems and how they may provide Bay state and local government managers, developers, consultants and state regulators with:
a) Information on cutting-edge technologies in onsite/decentralized wastewater treatment,
including cluster systems, that have been successful in real world applications;
b) A suite of options and alternatives that they should also evaluate as they contemplate how to
meet TMDL and other program objectives;
c) An explanation of the model state program developed by EPA as guidance for states in
implementing programs to reduce nutrients, and
d) A forum for sharing experiences amongst participants and presenters.