Assessing Cumulative Impacts of Shoreline Modification
February 9, 2006 - February 9, 2006The Chesapeake Bay STAC and NOAA?s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science propose a cooperative workshop to assess the cumulative effects of shoreline modification. Workshop participants will explore the economic methods used to calculate marginal costs and test the application of these methods to assessing cumulative impacts of shoreline modification. Specifically, participants will: 1.) review the current state of knowledge on the use of the marginal principal in forecasting cumulative impacts; 2.) evaluate the application of this principal to assess and predict the environmental, social, and economic impacts of cumulative shoreline modification (does it make sense, what are the limitations, what might be the applications and benefits); 3.) discuss development of the tool (what data are necessary, how should the analysis be bounded and presented); and 4.) suggest a process for competing the work (who provides support, who should collaborate, timelines, etc.).