Assessing the Environment in Outcome Units (AEIOU): Using Eutrophying Units for Management

March 20, 2019 - March 21, 2019
Annapolis, MD

The Chesapeake Bay TMDL sets a cap on total average annual nutrients without regard to the bioavailability or timing of different nutrient species deliveries to the Bay. While this approach creates a metric for the TMDL that is relatively simple for accounting and communication, lumping nutrient species into a total annual averages creates inefficiencies and inconsistencies when allocating scarce resources to improve water quality. The object of this workshop will be to explore whether the science is appropriate for calculating eutrophying units as a common currency that can be used to compare alternative restoration strategies.

Bringing together experts from across the globe, this workshop is aimed to facilitate synthesizing the state of knowledge and organizing approaches for developing eutrophying units, reflecting spatial and temporal conditions of the Bay and its watershed.

The final report was released on March 3, 2020 and can be accessed here: FINAL_STAC Report_AEIOU

Additional Information:

For additional information, please contact STAC Staff. Additional online presentation available:

Supporting Documents:

290_FINAL Agenda_AEIOU

290_Riverine Breakout Group

290_Estuarine Breakout Group

290_Land Management Breakout Group

290_Advanced Reading Material Optimal Phosphorous Abatement Redefined_Iho et al




290_Testa_AEIOU_March20_2019_for sharing

290_Kleinman-Management Effects P – AEIOU 2019


290_Shenk_2019 03 20 950am AEIOU Modeling for the Chesapeake TMDL gshenk 290_KayeTerrestrialNSTAC19 290_BurnsRiverine Processes

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