Cracking the WIP: Designing an Optimization Engine to Guide Efficient Bay Implementation

February 17, 2016 - February 18, 2016
Annapolis, MD

The workshop will convene a group of experts in modeling, optimization, and Bay implementation planning who will explore alternative optimization techniques for use in decision-support tools.  The ultimate goal of the workshop is to develop the requirements of an optimization engine that can simplify and guide Bay jurisdictions’ efforts to develop Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) and Milestones that minimize implementation costs while achieving required reductions and maximizing co-benefits. 

The following is a list of management questions that will be discussed at the workshop: 

  • How can we use optimization in the context of Bay TMDL implementation planning, adaptive management and other Bay decision making?
  • What are the optimization objectives, decision variables and constraints that should be considered?
  • What are the best mathematical optimization methods for use by the Bay Program?
  • What data inputs are needed to develop a Bay Optimization System? 


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