Designing Sustainable Coastal Habitats

April 16, 2013 - April 17, 2013
Easton, MD

The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Habitat Goal Implementation Team (GIT) proposed a workshop to convene coastal wetland, living shoreline, and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV restoration partners to discuss complementary targeting approaches that will facilitate the development of coastal habitat complexes. 

The workshop has three objectives:  (1) specifically assess a series of targeting approaches for restoring aquatic habitats including black duck habitat, coastal wetland, living shorelines, and SAV beds and determine the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches;  2) share with federal, state, local, academic, and non-governmental organization (NGO) partners state-of-the-science regarding targeting and address strategies for targeting and reporting on the restoration of habitat for black ducks, wetland, living shoreline, and SAV; 3) build consensus among partners and report findings on the best available approaches for targeting restoration for specific aquatic system restoration in a way that strengthens coastal ecosystems and maximizes the benefits that they provide.

Workshop Goal: Design Sustainable Approaches and Initiatives for Coastal Wetland Habitat Restoration and Protection within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

additional workshop resources can be found here:

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