Developing a Protocol for Development and Review of Reduction Efficiencies for Best Management Practices: Test Case of Pasture Management

October 27, 2009 - October 28, 2009

The Chesapeake Bay Program?s Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee and the Water Quality Goal Implementation Team are sponsoring a series of two workshops to provide a forum for the evaluation of pasture and livestock exclusion practices, current implementation, and existing programs throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The workshops will produce science-based effectiveness estimates for these practices for the Chesapeake Bay Program modeling efforts, as well as to test a draft protocol for the development, review, and incorporation of new and existing best management practices (BMPs) for the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership. The first workshop (October 27-28, 2009) will convene a science panel to develop draft practice definitions and model effectiveness values for initial model placeholders. A second follow-up workshop (date to be determined) will finalize a recommendation report for consideration by the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership using the draft evaluation protocol.

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