Emerging Contaminants of Concern in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
October 18, 2002 - October 18, 2002New chemicals are constantly introduced into the environment. Some chemicals have been introduced into the environment for some time and we are only just becoming aware of their distribution and potential effects. This workshop helped to assess the risk associated with a few emerging contaminants, such as alkyl phenols and brominated flame retardants, in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem and identify informational needs for researchers and managers interested in preventing bioaccumulative toxic impacts. By utilizing and linking local and national experts and research on these contaminants, managers will be better armed to understand the risks associated with these contaminants in the environment. The goals of the workshop were to (1) evaluate the available information on the occurrence and potential consequences of emerging chemicals in the Chesapeake Bay, and to (2) discuss how management, regulatory, monitoring, and research programs can better anticipate possible issues resulting from the introduction of new chemicals into commerce. The workshop attendees consisted of a mixture of scientists actively studying emerging chemicals in the Chesapeake Bay, water quality managers responsible for assessing and managing potential risks associated with these chemicals, and other interested parties.