Evaluating Proprietary BMPs: Is it time for a State, Regional, or National Program?
March 24, 2015 - March 24, 2015Fairfax, VA
Workshop Objectives:
The recently imposed Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requires significant reductions in nutrient and sediment runoff from new- and re-developed land, as well as restoration goals for existing developed land. In both cases, these goals can be met through a variety of nonstructural and structural treatment practices commonly known as best management practices or BMPs. Manufactured treatment devices (MTDs) are structural BMPs that are typically proposed for ultra-urban or other high density developments. Verifying the performance of MTDs can be difficult and protocols for their evaluations are evolving. The outcome of this workshop will seek to provide recommendations on the shape and function of a Baywide MTD evaluation program