Exemplary Local Stormwater Strategies to Protect and Restore Urban Watersheds: Combining Technology, Economics, and Policy

May 13, 2010 - May 13, 2010

Since EPA treats urban stormwater as a point source, urban stormwater programs are generally subject to an ‘MS4’ (municipal separate storm sewer system) permit. MS4 permit conditions are being increasingly driven by the Bay TMDL and the related WIPs. The Bay TMDL is to be completed by December 2010. The states and the District of Columbia will complete the Phase I WIPs by November 2010 and the Phase II WIPs by November 2011. The TMDL will include waste load allocations for regulated stormwater programs. The Phase II WIPs will include county-level load targets which are anticipated to be reflected in MS4 permits. The workshop brought stormwater experts from exemplary local and national stormwater programs to interact with participants and help them plan for the impending Bay TMDL related requirements.

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