Exploring the Environmental Effects of Shale Gas Development in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

April 11, 2012 - April 12, 2012
State College, PA

The Chesapeake Bay Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee is hosting a workshop on “Explring the Environmental Effects of Shale Gas Developent in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed” which will be held in State College PA on April 11-12 immediately following the Penn State School of Forest Resources/US Forest Service meeting “Oil and Gas Development Impacts on Forested Ecosystems: Research and Management Challenges” to be held on April 9-10.

The objectives of the workshop are:

To review and synthesize the research available regarding shale gas development’s environmental effects

To identify the environmental effects that shale gas development may pose to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed relative to Chesapeake Bay water quality

To identify and prioritize future research needs relative to shale gas development and Chesapeake Bay water quality

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