Identifying and Prioritizing Research Required to Evaluate Ecological Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives Related to the Potential Introduction of Crassostrea ariakensis to Chesapeake Bay

December 2, 2003 - December 3, 2003

It is important that sound scientific information be available to inform the decision-making process with regards to the potential introduction of C. ariakensis to the Chesapeake Bay. Neither the risks, potential consequences nor the potential benefits of introducing C. ariakensis to the Chesapeake Bay are adequately known. The current understanding of the biology and ecology of C. ariakensis is insufficient to predict whether an introduction will provide desired benefits or have a substantial adverse impact within the Bay or other Atlantic Coast estuaries over short or long time scales. STAC convened a workshop of research scientists in Annapolis on December 2-3, 2003 to discuss and prioritize research needed to fill critical gaps in our ability to predict risks and benefits that might result from an introduction of diploid C. ariakensis to Chesapeake Bay.

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