Low Impact Development II: Planning, Design, and Implementation

March 18, 2002 - March 18, 2002

During previous years, several Low Impact Development (LID) workshops were conducted throughout the Chesapeake Bay Region to give participants an overview of the technology and its potential value for helping preserve and restore natural resources in the Bay Region. Due to the success of this series of workshops, there was an apparent need for additional series of LID workshops, which would target specific audiences. This new series of workshops was designed to provide a technical approach to Low Impact Development smart design activities, economic and environmental benefits, design principals, and management practices. It addressed the design aspect of LID for storm water management paradigms for both new development and urban retrofit to protect and restore watershed hydrology, receiving waters, living resources, and to meet NPDES and TMDL goals. The workshop also incorporated many of the Chesapeake Bay Program's goals and those Chesapeake 2000 agreement commitments that focus on managing urban storm water. For this series of workshops, the instructors coordinated with the various jurisdictions to tailor the content of the individual workshops to each jurisdiction's desired focus. Due to the continuing success of these workshops, several more workshop topics have been designated for the future such as incorporation of the LID approach into local government storm water programs, and design and implementation of the LID approach.

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