March 2024 STAC Quarterly Meeting

March 5, 2024 - March 6, 2024

The March 2024 STAC meeting was held virtually on Tuesday, March 5th and Wednesday, March 6th.

The meeting theme for Day 2 was a debrief of the Beyond 2025 Steering Committee Symposium held a week prior to the March meeting. The committee provided feedback on findings from the Symposium, listened to Beyond 2025 Small Group members on their recommendations, and presented their perspective on the recommended path forward, including immediate, intermediate, and long-term needs.

Draft Meeting Agenda: STAC March 2024 QM Agenda_Feb 29

Meeting Materials:



  • Leveraging Deep Learning and Data Science for the Conservation and Restoration Movement
    Presented by Joel Dunn (Chesapeake Conservancy)
  • Briefing on Findings from the STAC FY22 Workshop “Using Carbon to Achieve Chesapeake Bay (and Watershed) Water Quality Goals and Climate Resiliency: The Science, Gaps, Implementation Activities and Opportunities
    Presented by Jennifer Egan (UMCES)
  • Briefing on Findings from the STAC FY22 Workshop “The State of the Science and Practice of Stream Restoration in the Chesapeake: Lessons Learned to Better Inform Implementation, Assessment and Outcome
    Presented Greg Noe (USGS)
  • Briefing on Findings from the STAC FY21 Workshop “Advancing Monitoring Approaches to Enhance Tidal Chesapeake Habitat Assessment Water Clarity and SAV, Chlorophyll a and Dissolved Oxygen
    Presented by Peter Tango (USGS)

Final Meeting Minutes: FINAL_March 2024 Quarterly Meeting Minutes_approved 06.04.2024