Microplastics in the Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed: State of the Knowledge, Data Gaps, and Relationship to Management Goals
April 24, 2019 - April 25, 2019Woodbridge, VA
This two-day workshop will determine the state of the research, data needs, field and laboratory research methodologies, and associated policy and management needs in regard to microplastics. The prevalence of microplastics in the Chesapeake Bay, its watershed, and their potential effects on the entire ecosystem make this a highly urgent issue. While the extent of plastic pollution and its ecological consequences have not been comprehensively assessed by the Bay Program Partnership, research to date suggests microplastics pose an acute ecological risk. This workshop will provide a forum to discuss ongoing research and pose new questions to foster collaboration and advance understanding of this issue. The goals of this workshop are to:
- Assess the state of the knowledge on microplastic pollution in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries
- Assess possible effects of microplastics on various habitats and associated living resources
- Identify existing policy and management tools being used to address plastic pollution in the watershed and beyond, and their effectiveness
- Identify research gaps moving forward, and develop recommendations for further studies or new tools
Workshop Chairs: Bob Murphy (Tetra Tech), Matt Robinson (DDOE) and Brooke Landry (MD DNR)
Supporting Documents:
292_FINAL_STAC Microplastics Workshop_Agenda_041819
292_Anacostia River Trash TMDL_Robinson
292_VA Marine Debris Plan_Register
292_Impacts of Microplastics on black sea bass_Brander
292_Microplastics in NE Freshwater Systems_Fisher
292_Microplastics in Chesapeake Tidal Tributaries_Yonkos
292_Anacostia Watershed Trash and Litter Monitoring_Trieu
292_Microplastics and Wastewater Treatment_Burbage
292_Microplastics Overview_Dobbs
292_Summary of 2016 STAC Review_Wardrop
292_Intro to Ecological Risk Frameworks_Diamond