Monitoring Progress in Addressing Climate Change across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

March 15, 2011 - March 16, 2011

STAC and members of the research community have made substantial investments of time and energy in the development of actionable recommendations and plans for addressing climate change. The \’ball\’ has been passed to the Chesapeake Bay Program and its partners for action, and the Committee watching closely for signs of implementation action. STAC can play a key role in tracking their progress and motivating them to accelerate and expand their implementation efforts. The breadth of the implications of climate change for the Bay watershed means that action from the Bay Program and its partners would have far-reaching consequences. Conversely, continued inaction has the potential to undermine an equally broad range of protection and restoration activities. Outcomes from this workshop and subsequent workgroup meetings will provide the Bay Program and the partners with a summary of relevant recommendations and a framework for assessing progress over time. It will also serve as a \’point of departure\’ in a transition between a focus on assessment to a new emphasis

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