Non-nutritive Feed Issues in Chicken Production

October 2, 2001 - October 2, 2001

This workshop will survey the potential impact of current feeding practices on the ecosystems of the Chesapeake Basin emphasizing the possible effects of pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other additives used in feeds and excreted in animal manures. The workshop is in response to Chesapeake Bay stakeholder recommendations from the Toxics Non-point Source Forum where stakeholders identified animal feed and manure, and its potential for toxic impacts, as an emerging issue. The focus of the workshop will be on agricultural issues with emphasis on water quality and aquatic biota: human health issues will not be addressed. Specific topics will include chicken feed additives, potential environmental impacts of pharmaceuticals and metals, and microbial resistance. These issues need to be addressed within the Chesapeake Bay Basin for the likelihood of occurrence and the potential ramifications.

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