Requested Review of Procedures for the MAWQ/UMD Best Management Practice Project
July 19, 2007 - July 19, 2007STAC convened an expert task group to respond a request to support the Mid-Atlantic Water Quality Program/University of Maryland (MAWQ/UMD) Best Management Practice Project by providing review and assessment of the process whereby MAWQ/UMD arrived at Best Management Practice (BMP) efficiency recommendations. The task force was asked to 1) review ‘..the relative efficiency of the BMPs across sectors..’ and 2) review of ?..the logic and process that was used to develop BMP definitions and efficiencies.? The Task Force directed did not consider the relative rankings of BMP reduction efficiencies to be a scientific issue, but instead addressed the second task, that of reviewing the logic and process whereby MAWQ/UMD assessed recommendations made by experts and, in some cases, modified such recommendations, and summarized their comments and recommendations in a report submitted back to the MAWQ/UMD.