Requested Review of Procedures of the UMD/MAWP Best Management Practive Project Year 2
October 20, 2008 - October 20, 2008In June 2007, the University of Maryland/Mid-Atlantic Water Program (UMD/MAWP) requested that STAC review certain aspects of their Best Management Practice (BMP) Project. The two-year Project was charged with developing BMP reduction efficiencies for use in the Phase V Chesapeake Bay Model. At the end of year 1, the tasks requested of STAC were to: 1) review the relative rankings of BMP reduction effectiveness coefficients, and 2) review the process of developing BMP reduction effectiveness coefficients. The STAC Task Force directed to address the UMD/MAWP request did not consider the relative rankings of BMP reduction efficiencies to be a scientific issue, but instead addressed the second task, that of reviewing the logic and process whereby MAWQ/UMD assessed recommendations made by experts and, in some cases, modified such recommendations. At the end of the Project year 2, UMD/MAWP returned to STAC with a request for review of the process developed to produce Bay Model reduction effectiveness estimates for a second set of BMPs, outcomes from which are summarized here.