Review of Boat Wake Wave Impacts on Shoreline Erosion and Potential Solutions
February 26, 2016 - May 12, 2017STAC-Sponsored Peer Review of potential impacts of boat generated waves on shoreline stability and attendant ecosystem properties, and relevant management and policy actions in Chesapeake Bay to minimize potential boat wake impacts to shorelines and Bay resources. This review was requested by the Chesapeake Bay Commission (CBC).
Panel Members Include:
- Donna Marie Bilkovic (STAC Lead-VIMS)
- Molly Mitchell (VIMS)
- Jenny Davis (CSS/NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research)
- Elizabeth Andrews (VCPC)
- Kristin McCarthy (VCPC)
- Jana Davis (CBT)
- Julie Herman (VIMS)
- Pam Mason (VIMS)
- Navid Tahvildari (ODU)