Understanding and Explaining 30+ Years of Water Clarity Trends in the Bay's Tidal Waters

May 2, 2017 - May 3, 2017
Annapolis, MD

This workshop will bring together the multiple disciplines needed to deconstruct what has been happening across the watershed’s landscape over the past decades and how those actions and changes have influenced the movement of sediment and suspended materials through the watershed and into the tidal waters.  Once within the tidal waters, other disciplines will illustrate the current state of the science regarding influences on the long-term patterns of water clarity observed across Chesapeake Bay.  Forging those interconnections, base on analyses performed in advance, will be the focus of this workshop.

February 6-7, 2017 – Part I – UMCES/CBL – Bernie Fowler Laboratory Building – Solomons, MD

May 2-3, 2017 – Part II – O’Callaghan Hotel, Annapolis, MD

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