STAC Publications

The list below contains all STAC workshop and review documents as well as STAC correspondence and miscellaneous documents. You can fined lists filtered by these specific categories under the Publications menu at the top of the page. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option and enter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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M.R. Mulholland, N.G. Love, V.M. Pattarkine, D.A. Bronk, E. Canuel. (2007). Bioavailability of Organic Nitrogen from Treated Wastewater. Download.

J. Pease, M. B. Adams, S. Mostaghimi, M. Walbridge, D. Hansen. (2007). Review of Procedures for the MAWQ/UMD Best Management Practice Project, Year 1. Download.

C. Pyke. (2007). U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Hearing on The Impacts of Global Warming on the Chesapeake Bay. Download.

J.G. Sutinen. (2007). Socioeconomics and the Ecosystem Approach to Management of Marine Resources. Download.

STAC. (2007). Assessing Cumulative Impacts of Shoreline Modification Workshop Report: Chesapeake Bay STAC Proactive Workshop. Download.

W. Angstandt. (2007). Understanding Fertilizer Sales and Reporting Information. Download.

T. Graham, J. George, J. Outen, D. Lucid, D. Outen, M. Dolan, M. Searing, T. Harris, S. Moore, D. Umling, M. Martinez. (2007). Integrating Watershed and Land Use Planning in Maryland. Download.

R. Thur, P. Bergstrom, L. Karrh, M. Kemp, E. Koch, K. Moore, M. Naylor. (2007). Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Reproductive Ecology in the Chesapeake Bay: Evaluating the State-of-the Knowledge and Assessing Future Research Needs. Download.


D. Breitburg and J. Kramer. (2006). Evaluating Progress in Determining Potential Risks and Benefits of Introducing Diploid Crassostrea ariakensis to Chesapeake Bay: Workshop Follow-Up Survey. Download.

L. Sanford, C. Cerco, C. Duffy, T. Gross, M. Kemp, L. Linker, H. Wang, D. Weller, R. Wood. (2006). Modeling in the Chesapeake Bay Program: 2010 and Beyond. Download.