STAC Publications

The list below contains all STAC workshop and review documents as well as STAC correspondence and miscellaneous documents. You can fined lists filtered by these specific categories under the Publications menu at the top of the page. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option and enter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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STAC. (2004). Spatial Management in the Chesapeake Bay: Applications, Issues, and Opportunities. Download.


Boesch, D. F., J. Greer. (2003). Chesapeake Futures: Choices for the 21st Century. Download.

STAC. (2003). Quantifying the Benefits of a Mass Media Campaign to Promote a Stewardship Ethic and Stewardship Ethic and. Download.

. (2003). Review of List of Available Tools and Techniques for the CBP Land, Growth and Stewardship Subcommittee. Download.

S. Phillips, L. Sanford, K. Sellner,. (2003). Shoreline Erosion and Chesapeake Bay Water Quality, A Scientific Evaluation of Prediction Uncertainty, Potential for Improvement, and Management Implications. Download.

C. Hershner. (2003). Draft STAC Response to Nutrient Equivalency Model. Download.

D. Lipton. (2003). Peer Review of the Fisheries Ecosystem Plan for Chesapeake Bay. Download.


J. Phinney, K. Sellner, W.M. Kemp, R.F. Van Dolah, W.R. Boynton, D. Lipton, H. Greening, J. Kenworthy, S. Mostaghimi, T. Malone, C. Gallegos, J. Newton. (2002). Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen, Water Clarity and Chlorophyll a for the Chesapeake Bay and Tidal Tributaries. Download.

STAC. (2002). Impediments to Low Impact Development and Environmental Sensitive Design. Download.

D. Breitburg, E Hoffman, R. Newell, A. Butt, D. Orner, R. Magnien. (2002). Suspension Feeders: A Workshop to Assess What We Know, Don’t Know, and Need to Know to Determine Their Effects on Water Quality. Download.