STAC Publications

The list below contains all STAC workshop and review documents as well as STAC correspondence and miscellaneous documents. You can fined lists filtered by these specific categories under the Publications menu at the top of the page. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option and enter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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(2022). STAC Request for Workshop Proposals FY2023. Download.

Bilkovic, D., Mitchell, M., Mason, R., Franzluebbers, L., Havens, K., Whigham, D., and Cole, M. (2022). Assessing the Water Quality, Habitat, and Social Benefits of Green Riprap. Download.


Landry, B., Tango, P., Bisland, C., Coffer, M., Dennison, B., Hill, V., Lebrasse, C., Li., J., Orth, R., Patrick, C., Schaeffer, B., Witman, P., Wilcox, D., Zimmerman, R.. (2021). Exploring Satellite Image Integration for the Chesapeake Bay SAV Monitoring Program. Download.

Boomer, K, A. Jacobs, A. Collick, J. Frankenberger, C. Brosch, M. Ehrhart, J. Hubbart, C. Hiers, A. Harvey, and M. Cole. (2021). Linking Soil and Watershed Health to In-Field and Edge-of-Field Water Management. Download.

Wood, J., P. Bukaveckas, H. Galbraith, M. Gattis, M. Gray, T. Ihde, D. Kreeger, R. Mair, S. McLaughlin, S. Hahn, A. Harvey. (2021). Incorporating Freshwater Mussels into the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Efforts. Download.

Shenk, G., M. Bennett, D. Boesch, L. Currey, M. Friedrichs, M. Herrmann, R. Hood, T. Johnson, L. Linker, A. Miller, and D. Montali. (2021). Chesapeake Bay Program Climate Change Modeling 2.0. Download.


Majcher, E., Smalling, K., Blaney L, Harvey, A., Phillips, S, L., Blazer, V., ,Pickney, A., Brosch, C, and Allen, G. (2020). Integrating Science and Developing Approaches to Inform Management for Contaminants of Concern in Agricultural and Urban Settings. Download.

Easton, Z.M., K., Stephenson, A. Collick, P.M. Fleming, E. Kellner, J. Martin, M. Ribaudo, and G. Shenk.. (2020). Increasing Effectiveness and Reducing the Cost of Nonpoint Source Best Management Practice (BMP) Implementation: Is Targeting the Answer?. Download.

Shenk, G., Wainger, L., Wu, C., Capel, P., Friedrichs, M., Hubbart, J., Iho, A., Kleinman, P., Sellner, K., Stephenson, K.. (2020). Assessing the Environment in Outcome Units (AEIOU): Using Eutrophying Units for Management. Download.


Hood, R.R., G. Shenk, R. Dixon, W. Ball, J. Bash, C. Cerco, P. Claggett, L. Harris, T.F. Ihde, L. Linker, C. Sherwood, and L. Wainger. (2019). Chesapeake Bay Program Modeling in 2025 and Beyond: A Proactive Visioning Workshop. Download.