STAC Publications

The list below contains all STAC workshop and review documents as well as STAC correspondence and miscellaneous documents. You can fined lists filtered by these specific categories under the Publications menu at the top of the page. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option and enter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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Wainger, L.. (2017). STAC Letter to CBP re: Optimization Workshop Report. Download.

Friedrichs, M.A.M., M. Christman, K. Moore, M. Scully, J. Shen, and S. B. Weisberg. (2017). STAC Criteria Addendum Review: Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen, Water Clarity and Chlorophyll a for the Chesapeake Bay and Its Tidal Tributaries: 2017 Technical Addendum. Download.

Ellis, H., P. Du, C. Friedrichs, V. Lyubchich. (2017). Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee Review of the Generalized Additive Model (GAM) Approach for Water Quality Trends in Tidal Waters. Download.

Wainger, L.. (2017). STAC Letter to CBP re: Criteria Addendum Review Report. Download.


Sample, D., N Goulet, J. Battiata, G. Snead, S. Crafton, T. Schueler, N. Gardner, R. Dixon. (2016). Evaluating Proprietary BMPs: Is it Time for a State, Regional, or National Program?. Download.

Wainger, L.. (2016). STAC Letter to CBP re Proprietary BMPs. Download.

Linker, L., R. Hirsch, W. Ball, J. Testa, K. Boomer, C. Cerco, L. Sanford, J. Cornwell, L. Currey, C. Friedrichs, R. Dixon. (2016). Conowingo Reservoir Infill and Its Influence on Chesapeake Bay Water Quality. Download.

Wainger, L.. (2016). STAC Letter to CBP re: Conowingo Infill. Download.

Yagow, G., A. Collick, M. Ribaudo, W. Thomason, T. Veith. (2016). Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee Review of Nutrient Input Estimation for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model. Download.

Wainger, L.. (2016). STAC Letter to CBP re: Nutrient Inputs Review Report. Download.