Review Publications

Each STAC technical review must result in the completion of a written report. These reports are published by STAC and submitted to the Chesapeake Bay Program to advise management and restoration decisions. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option andenter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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C. Pyke, G. Pontius, D. Parker, J. Kittle, B.. (2008). Chesapeake Bay Land Change Modeling Technical Review. Download.

C. R. Pyke, R. Najjar, M. B. Adams, D. Breitburg, C. Hershner, M. Kemp, R. Howarth, M. Mulholland, M. Paolisso, D. Secor, K. Sellner, D. Wardrop, and R. Wood. (2008). Climate Change and the Chesapeake Bay State-of-the-Science Review and Recommendations. Download.


S. Mostaghimi, M.B. Adams, T.J. Grizzard, C. Hershner, D. Weller. (2007). Recommendations for Establishing a Process to Improve Pre- and Post -Monitoring Programs for Small Watershed Grants Projects Funded by NFWF. Download.

M.R. Mulholland, N.G. Love, V.M. Pattarkine, D.A. Bronk, E. Canuel. (2007). Bioavailability of Organic Nitrogen from Treated Wastewater. Download.

J. Pease, M. B. Adams, S. Mostaghimi, M. Walbridge, D. Hansen. (2007). Review of Procedures for the MAWQ/UMD Best Management Practice Project, Year 1. Download.


D. Secor, M. Christman, F. Curriero, D. Jasinski, E. Perry, S. Preston, K. Reckhow, M. Trice. (2006). Review of the Cumulative Frequency Diagram Method for Determining Water Quality Attainment. Download.

STAC. (2006). Chesapeake Bay Program STAC Monitoring, Assemssment and Indicator Review Subcommittee Meeting Report. Download.

D. Secor, M. Christman, F. Curriero, D. Jasinski, E. Perry, S. Preston, K. Reckhow, M. Trice. (2006). The Cumulative Frequency Diagram Method for Determining Water Quality Attainment. Download.


D.F. Boesch, T.A. Cohn, K.N. Eshleman, T.J. Grizzard, Jr., J.M. Hamlett, K.L. Prestegaard, K.W. Staver, D.E. Weller. (2005). Assessing Progress and Effectiveness through Monitoring Rivers and Streams. Download.

L. Band; K. Campbell; R. Kinerson; K. Reckhow; C. Welty. (2005). Review of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Modeling Effort. Download.