Workshop Publications

Each STAC workshop must result in the completion of a written report. These reports are developed by the workshop steering committees, published by STAC, and submitted to the Chesapeake Bay Program to advise management and restoration decisions. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option and enter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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Boomer, K, A. Jacobs, A. Collick, J. Frankenberger, C. Brosch, M. Ehrhart, J. Hubbart, C. Hiers, A. Harvey, and M. Cole. (2021). Linking Soil and Watershed Health to In-Field and Edge-of-Field Water Management. Download.

Shenk, G., M. Bennett, D. Boesch, L. Currey, M. Friedrichs, M. Herrmann, R. Hood, T. Johnson, L. Linker, A. Miller, and D. Montali. (2021). Chesapeake Bay Program Climate Change Modeling 2.0. Download.

Wood, J., P. Bukaveckas, H. Galbraith, M. Gattis, M. Gray, T. Ihde, D. Kreeger, R. Mair, S. McLaughlin, S. Hahn, A. Harvey. (2021). Incorporating Freshwater Mussels into the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Efforts. Download.


Majcher, E., Smalling, K., Blaney L, Harvey, A., Phillips, S, L., Blazer, V., ,Pickney, A., Brosch, C, and Allen, G. (2020). Integrating Science and Developing Approaches to Inform Management for Contaminants of Concern in Agricultural and Urban Settings. Download.

Easton, Z.M., K., Stephenson, A. Collick, P.M. Fleming, E. Kellner, J. Martin, M. Ribaudo, and G. Shenk.. (2020). Increasing Effectiveness and Reducing the Cost of Nonpoint Source Best Management Practice (BMP) Implementation: Is Targeting the Answer?. Download.

Shenk, G., Wainger, L., Wu, C., Capel, P., Friedrichs, M., Hubbart, J., Iho, A., Kleinman, P., Sellner, K., Stephenson, K.. (2020). Assessing the Environment in Outcome Units (AEIOU): Using Eutrophying Units for Management. Download.


Boomer, K., Boynton, W., Muller, A., Muller, D., Sellner K.. (2019). Revisiting Coastal Land-Water Interactions: The Triblet Connection. Download.

Herbstritt, S., V. Vazhnik, L. Fowler, T.L. Richard, A. Harvey, D. Nardone, P. Kleinman, S. Fanok, C. Ernst, J. Duncan, C. Hinrichs, F. Circle, S. Nicholas, T. Coulter, and, T Stark.. (2019). Establishing Multifunctional Riparian Buffers: How do we accelerate riparian buffer plantings across the Chesapeake Bay with the greatest economic, social and environmental impacts?. Download.

Murphy, R., Robinson, M., Landry, B., Wardrop, D., Luckenbach, M., Grubert, K., Somers, K.,Allen, G., Trieu, P., Yonkos, L. (2019). Microplastics in the Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed: State of the Knowledge, Data Gaps, and Relationship to Management Goals. Download.

Miller, A., M. Baker, K. Boomer, D. Merritts, K. Prestegaard, and S. Smith. (2019). Legacy Sediment, Riparian Corridors, and Total Maximum Daily Loads. Download.