Workshop Publications

Each STAC workshop must result in the completion of a written report. These reports are developed by the workshop steering committees, published by STAC, and submitted to the Chesapeake Bay Program to advise management and restoration decisions. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option and enter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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Hood, R.R., G. Shenk, R. Dixon, W. Ball, J. Bash, C. Cerco, P. Claggett, L. Harris, T.F. Ihde, L. Linker, C. Sherwood, and L. Wainger. (2019). Chesapeake Bay Program Modeling in 2025 and Beyond: A Proactive Visioning Workshop. Download.

Keisman, J., C. Friedrichs, R. Batiuk, J. Blomquist, J. Cornwell, C. Gallegos, S. Lyubchich, K. Moore, R. Murphy, R. Orth, L. Sanford, P. Tango, J. Testa, M. Trice, and Q. Zhang. (2019). Understanding and Explaining 30 Years of Water Clarity Trends in the Chesapeake Bay’s Tidal Waters. Download.


Stephenson, K., C. Hershner, B. Benham, Z. Easton, J. Hanson, S. Julius, E. Hinrichs. (2018). Consideration of BMP Performance Uncertainty in Chesapeake Bay Program Implementation. Download.

Johnson, Z., S. Julius, J. Fischbach, M. Bennett, B. Benham, D. Sample, and K. Stephenson.. (2018). Monitoring and Assessing Impacts of Changes in Weather Patterns and Extreme Events on BMP Siting and Design. Download.

Keisman, J., J. Blomquist, J.K. Bohlke, J. Davis-Martin, W. Dennison, C. Friedrichs, R. Murphy, S. Phillips, J. Testa, E. Trentacoste, and D. Weller. (2018). Integrating Recent Findings to Explain Water-Quality Change: Support for the Mid-Point Assessment and Beyond. Download.

Hunt, G., D. Bilkovic, S. Faulkner, T.F. Ihde, M. McGinty, M. Monaco, T. O’Connell, P. Tango, B. Vogt, K.O. Maloney, J. A. Young, L. Williamson, A.K. Leight, and R. Dixon. (2018). Factors Influencing the Headwaters, Nontidal, Tidal, and Mainstem Fish Habitat Function in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Application to Restoration and Management Decisions. Download.


Tango, P., W. Dennison, M. Bennett, S. Phillips, M.F. Ehrich, K. Boomer and C. Friedrichs. (2017). Integrating and Leveraging Monitoring Networks to Support the Assessment of Outcomes in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. Download.

Davis-Martin, J., O. Devereux, R. Batiuk, B. Hobbs, L. Wainger, and R. Dixon. (2017). Cracking the WIP: Designing an Optimization Engine to Guide Efficient Bay Implementation. Download.

McGee, B., M. Bryer, J. Davis-Martin, L. Wainger, R. Batiuk, J. Greiner, S. Newbold, K. Saunders, S. Phillips, R. Dixon. (2017). Quantifying Ecosystem Services and Co-Benefits of Nutrient and Sediment Pollutant Reducing BMPs. Download.

McGee, B., M. Bryer, J. Davis-Martin, L. Wainger, R. Batiuk, J. Greiner, S. Newbold, K. Saunders, S. Phillips, R. Dixon. (2017). Workshop Summary: Quantifying Ecosystem Services and Co-Benefits of Nutrient and Sediment Pollutant Reducing BMPs. Download.