Workshop Publications

Each STAC workshop must result in the completion of a written report. These reports are developed by the workshop steering committees, published by STAC, and submitted to the Chesapeake Bay Program to advise management and restoration decisions. Publications are listed in descending chronological order. To search the database, click “Search” option and enter your search filters in the fields that appear. To go to a detail page for the publication, click the publication title. To download the publication, click “Download”.

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T. Graham, J. George, J. Outen, D. Lucid, D. Outen, M. Dolan, M. Searing, T. Harris, S. Moore, D. Umling, M. Martinez. (2007). Integrating Watershed and Land Use Planning in Maryland. Download.

W. Angstandt. (2007). Understanding Fertilizer Sales and Reporting Information. Download.

STAC. (2007). An Introduction to Sedimentsheds: Sediment and its Relationship to Chesapeake Bay Water Clarity. Download.

STAC. (2007). Assessing Cumulative Impacts of Shoreline Modification Workshop Report: Chesapeake Bay STAC Proactive Workshop. Download.

J. Bosiljevac, S. Phillips, C. Buchanan, M. Fleming, C. Haywood, K. Havens, D. Wardrop, M. Williams. (2007). Potential Environmental Indicators for Assessing the Health of the Chesapeake Bay Health of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Download.


D. Breitburg and J. Kramer. (2006). Evaluating Progress in Determining Potential Risks and Benefits of Introducing Diploid Crassostrea ariakensis to Chesapeake Bay: Workshop Follow-Up Survey. Download.

. (2006). Toxics of Concern: Prioritizing Organic Pollutants that Threaten the Chesapeake Bay. Download.

L. Sanford, C. Cerco, C. Duffy, T. Gross, M. Kemp, L. Linker, H. Wang, D. Weller, R. Wood. (2006). Modeling in the Chesapeake Bay Program: 2010 and Beyond. Download.


S. Mostaghimi, L.J. Bachman, John Brakebill, T.J. Grizzard, A. Godrej, T.A. Keller, J. Lynch, P. Miller, S. Phillips, S. Preston, B. Romano, G. Shenk, M. Williams, G. Yagow. (2005). Recommendations for Refinement of a Spatially Representative Non-tidal Water Quality Monitoring Network for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Download.

W.M. Kemp, D. Breitburg,. (2005). Coupling Water Quality and Upper Trophic Level Models for Chesapeake Bay. Download.