Who We Are

Since its creation in December 1984, the Chesapeake Bay Program’s (CBP) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) has worked to enhance scientific communication and outreach throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed and beyond. STAC provides independent scientific and technical advice in various ways, including (1) technical reports and position papers, (2) discussion groups, (3) assistance in organizing merit reviews of CBP programs and projects, (4) technical workshops, and (5) interaction between STAC members and the CBP. STAC serves as a liaison between the region’s scientific community and the CBP. Through professional and academic contacts and organizational networks of its members, STAC ensures close cooperation among and between the various research institutions and management agencies represented in the Bay watershed.

Diagram that provides an overview of STAC’s structural organization.

The diagram above provides an overview of STAC’s structural organization. While STAC’s Chair is the official line of communication between STAC and the CBP, STAC’s CRC administrative support serves as the information conduit between the two bodies, and assists in moving communications throughout the Committee’s structure.

STAC Support

STAC Executive Secretary
Denice Wardrop, Executive Director, CRC

STAC Coordinator
Meg Cole, CRC

STAC Projects Manager
Tou Matthews, CRC

Meet a STAC Member

John Bovay

Virginia Tech

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