On June 1 of this year, six members of the CRC Board of Trustees and the CRC Director co-signed and mailed  individually addressed letters to 54 members of Congress, explaining that they were writing “to seek [the Congressional delegate’s] support for sustained federal investments in science that are critical to the protection and restoration of the regional environment, and to its economy.

The full copy of the letter can be found here.  Names and addresses for the 12 U.S.Senators to whom the letters were sent can be found here  and the list of 42 U.S. Representatives can be found here.  The lists of U.S. Representatives include only those whose districts lie within the Chesapeake watershed.

The CRC strongly encourages its institutional members and colleagues to also get involved by letting Congressional representatives know their professional opinions on this topic.

Please note: Federal employees must do so strictly on their own time and without use of any federal resources, including letterhead.  Institutional colleagues are generally advised to do the same unless specifically given other instructions.