Dr. Maya Gomes

Institution: Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Department: Earth and Plenary Sciences (EPS)
Expertise: Biogeochemistry, Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Dead Zones, Sediment, Water Quality, Sulfur Cycling
Chesapeake Management Areas: Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Water Quality, Healthy Watersheds, Environmental Literacy, Stewardship, Climate Resiliency, Fostering Diversity
Research interests: The role of sulfur cycling in regulating nutrient levels and oxygen availability in the water column. How gradients in oxygen availability and organic matter composition affect carbon and sulfur burial. How environmental conditions are recorded in the sedimentary record. The role of density stratification in driving bottom water anoxia/euxinia.
Email: mgomes@jhu.edu
Web Address: gomeslab.weebly.com

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