Dr. Rochelle Seitz

Institution: Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)
Department: Biological Sciences
Expertise: Coastal/Estuarine Sampling and Monitoring, Crabs, Ecology, Fisheries, Land Use, Marine Life, Oysters, Seagrass, Clams
Chesapeake Management Areas: Sustainable Fisheries, Vital Habitats, Land Conservation, Climate Resiliency, Fostering Diversity
Research interests: My research expertise encompasses three primary areas of focus, including (i) effects of environmental stress, such as shoreline development and hypoxia, upon benthic invertebrate diversity, (ii) predator-prey dynamics and top-down versus bottom-up control of benthic systems, and (iii) restoration ecology. My current research projects continue my emphasis on the three research areas noted above, and include the impacts of habitat degradation on faunal communities, restoration of bivalves in Chesapeake Bay, nursery habitat quality for the blue crab in Chesapeake Bay, benthic predator-prey relationships, and food-web dynamics.
Email: seitz@vims.edu
Web Address: www.vims.edu/research/departments/bio/people/faculty/seitz_borrowed.php
Phone Number: 804-684-7698

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