Dr. Eric Davidson

Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)
Department: Appalachian Laboratory (AL)
Expertise: Agricultural BMPs, Biogeochemistry, Ecological Modeling, Ecology, Forests, Methane Cycling, Nutrient Cycling, Nutrient Pollution
Chesapeake Management Areas: Water Quality
Research interests: Biogeochemical effects of land-use change and land management The global nitrogen cycle, including the global nitrous oxide budget Soil microbial processes of nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas fluxes Leaching of plant nutrients to streams and groundwater Interdisciplinary studies of nitrogen management in agriculture Interactions of C, N, P, and other nutrient cycles in terrestrial ecosystems Land-water-atmosphere exchanges of greenhouse gases and nutrients Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition Modeling soil microbial processes
Web Address: www.umces.edu/al/people/edavidson

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