UninHABitable: Harmful Algal Blooms Across the Watershed

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) threaten waters from the upper reaches of our rivers to the estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay. HAB species can release toxins, reduce dissolved oxygen, form extensive bottom mats, and cloud the water – all with impacts on aquatic animal species, recreation, and even human and companion animal health. Our speakers this month will touch on what conditions make for a toxic bloom, how it affects other species, and how we can improve monitoring and detection.

This discussion was hosted live from the Chesapeake Community Research Symposium.


  • Christian Jones, Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center (PEREC), George Mason University


  • Margaret Mulholland, Old Dominion University
  • Rosalina Christova, George Mason University
  • Judy O’Neil, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

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