JHU: Wastewater Contaminants

By |2017-08-07T18:09:40-04:00August 7th, 2017|Categories: Applied research, Aug 2017, CRC News, Member and Partner News|

Bacterial resistance to antimicrobials and antibiotics is one of the most pressing public-health concerns around the world. Water systems are one of the major contributors to the spread of resistance, as improperly treated drinking water and wastewater can concentrate antibiotic and antimicrobial compounds while also carrying pathogens to and from human hosts. In the United States, [...]

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CBED is Live!

By |2017-05-25T16:50:22-04:00May 25th, 2017|Categories: CRC News|

Chesapeake Research Consortium is pleased to announce that its database of expertise in the Chesapeake research and management community is now live!  Please check it out here.

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