July 2022 Director’s Corner

By |2022-06-29T14:26:50-04:00June 29th, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Director's Corner, July 2022|

July 2022 Director's Corner “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss The June CRC Roundtable webinar was live from the Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, a new and exciting challenge for us! Our panelists were speakers and session chairs [...]

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CRC Roundtable | June 2022

By |2022-06-07T16:23:15-04:00May 31st, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Roundtable, Watershed Processes|

Community Science: Live from the Chesapeake Community Research Symposium Citizen science has undergone a rebranding as it has expanded in popularity; it is now often referred to as “community science” to be more inclusive. However you put it, community science is more than just a feel-good way of getting the general public involved in [...]

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ChesCRS 2022

By |2022-05-27T15:51:16-04:00May 27th, 2022|Categories: Community Modeling, CRC News, Uncategorized|

Chesapeake Community Research Symposium The Chesapeake Community Research Symposium 2022 will take place both in-person at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland and virtually through Zoom from June 6-8. The title of this year’s symposium is Chesapeake Bay Restoration, Resilience, and Reflection: Progress and Future Challenges. In person attendees will be required to [...]

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June 2022 Director’s Corner

By |2022-05-27T13:50:09-04:00May 27th, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Director's Corner, June 2022|

June 2022 Director's Corner “Floods are 'acts of God,' but flood losses are largely acts of man.” - Gilbert F. White The May CRC Roundtable webinar was of special significance to CRC because it is out of tropical storm Agnes that we were born as a formal organization - we too [...]

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Learning from Disaster: The Environmental Impacts and Lessons of Hurricane Agnes

By |2022-05-27T13:46:53-04:00May 27th, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Member and Partner News|

Learning from Disaster: The Environmental Impacts and Lessons of Hurricane Agnes Denice Wardrop, executive director of CRC, and Tom Horton, Chesapeake Bay Writer and Professor at Salisbury University, moderated the webinar with two expert speakers who provided unique perspectives on the environmental impacts of flooding. Drew Dehoff, Susquehanna River Basin Commission; [...]

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May 2022 A Note from the Moderator

By |2022-05-03T12:47:41-04:00May 3rd, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Director's Corner, May 2022|

Note from the Moderator Melissa Fagan, CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program Coordinator This month is full of milestones, one of them being that April’s CRC Roundtable webinar was the 20th we’ve hosted! In the context of celebrating milestones - this year we are celebrating CRC’s 50th anniversary AND the webinar [...]

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CRC’s 50-Year-Long Role in Developing Environmental Leaders

By |2022-05-03T12:48:21-04:00May 3rd, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Member and Partner News|

CRC’s 50-Year-Long Role in Developing Environmental Leaders Melissa Fagan, the Environmental Management Career Development Program Coordinator of CRC, moderated the webinar with three alumni speakers who provided insight on their experiences as previous staffers. Kevin Schabow, Office of Habitat Conservation, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office; Julie Hester, Civic Engagement, The Keith Campbell [...]

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CRC Roundtable | May 2022

By |2022-05-18T15:11:24-04:00April 29th, 2022|Categories: Climate/Sea Level Rise, CRC News, CRC Roundtable, Estuarine Processes, Living Resources, Watershed Processes|

Learning from Disaster: The Environmental Impacts and Lessons of Hurricane Agnes Hurricane Agnes was a formative event in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The scale of the devastation was unparalleled and caused the Bay community to take a long look at business as usual and determine how we could better prepare for extreme events. The [...]

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April 2022 Director’s Corner

By |2022-04-04T17:25:39-04:00April 4th, 2022|Categories: April 2022, CRC News, CRC Streamline, Director's Corner|

April 2022 Director's Corner “The commonality between science and art is in trying to see profoundly - to develop strategies of seeing and showing." - Edward Tufte This month’s CRC Roundtable focused on the way that “seeing and showing”, via storytelling in words and photographs, furthers our intentions and actions towards [...]

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Bringing the Bay Home: The Role of Photography and Writing in the Restoration Effort

By |2022-04-04T17:25:06-04:00April 4th, 2022|Categories: April 2022, CRC News, CRC Streamline, Estuarine Processes, Living Resources, Member and Partner News, Watershed Processes|

Bringing the Bay Home: The Role of Photography and Writing in the Restoration Effort Denice Wardrop, executive director of CRC, moderated the webinar with two expert speakers who provided inspiring perspectives on the role of photography and writing in the restoration efforts. Dave Harp, a photographer who currently has a virtual [...]

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