CRC Roundtable | April 2022

By |2022-04-20T16:28:29-04:00April 4th, 2022|Categories: Career Development, CRC News, CRC Roundtable, DEIJ|

CRC’s 50-Year-Long Role in Developing Environmental Leaders Chesapeake Research Consortium (CRC) was born out of environmental challenges to the Chesapeake Bay. It rose from the havoc that Hurricane Agnes left behind to chart a path towards filling knowledge gaps and prioritizing informed decision-making throughout the Bay community. Part of this process has been creating [...]

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ChesCRS 2022

By |2022-03-30T15:30:19-04:00March 30th, 2022|Categories: CRC News|

Chesapeake Community Research Symposium 2022 The Chesapeake Community Modeling Program is excited to convene the 2022 edition of our biennial symposium. Please join us June 6-8, 2002 for Chesapeake Community Research Symposium 2022 in Annapolis, Maryland and online. Visit the website for more information and to submit a presentation abstract.

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Aligning Behavior for the Bay

By |2022-03-30T15:31:17-04:00February 28th, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Estuarine Processes, Living Resources, Mar 2022, Member and Partner News, Watershed Processes|

Aligning Behavior for the Bay Denice Wardrop, executive director of CRC, moderated the webinar with two expert speakers who provided new perspectives that continued January’s discussion on incorporating social science into the Bay restoration effort. Amanda Guthrie, PhD student at the Center for Coastal Resource Management (CCRM), Virginia Institute of Marine [...]

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March 2022 Director’s Corner

By |2022-02-28T12:31:12-05:00February 28th, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Director's Corner, Mar 2022|

March 2022 Director's Corner “Everything is connected to everything else - somehow, someway.” February’s CRC Roundtable continued last month’s conversation about the human dimension of Chesapeake Bay restoration with a focus on human relationships and collective impact. While we have made significant progress in improving the health of the Bay, the [...]

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CRC Roundtable | March 2022

By |2022-03-16T16:01:00-04:00February 24th, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Roundtable|

Bringing the Bay Home: The Role of Photography and Writing in the Restoration Effort Communication experts know that facts often do little to persuade; it is stories and emotions that change minds and win people over. Through photography, poetry, prose, murals, sculpture, song, and more, artists are able to reach people in a way [...]

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CRC Roundtable | February 2022

By |2022-02-17T15:51:44-05:00February 16th, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Roundtable, DEIJ|

Aligning Behavior for the Bay Of the 18 million people in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, no two are the same. Each person has their own beliefs, concerns, and motivations. Acknowledging this, how do we align social behavior, community sustainability, and the wider Bay restoration effort to achieve the best outcome for all? We [...]

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Behavior and the Bay: The Human Dimension of Chesapeake Bay Restoration

By |2022-02-03T15:17:33-05:00February 2nd, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Estuarine Processes, Feb 2022, Living Resources, Member and Partner News, Watershed Processes|

Behavior and the Bay: The Human Dimension of Chesapeake Bay Restoration Denice Wardrop, executive director of CRC, moderated the webinar with three expert speakers that provided a unique perspective on integrating social science into the restoration effort and briefly summarized some ongoing efforts focusing on what they've learned and what's next: [...]

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February 2022 Director’s Corner

By |2022-02-02T15:06:17-05:00February 2nd, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Director's Corner, Feb 2022|

February 2022 Director's Corner “We don't need an evolution of how we're doing this, we need a revolution.” The January CRC Roundtable webinar centered on the human dimension of Chesapeake Bay restoration and discussed the incorporation of more social science into the restoration effort.  Conservation, policy, and practice can and should [...]

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CRC Roundtable | January 2022

By |2023-05-11T11:34:28-04:00January 11th, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Roundtable, DEIJ|

Behavior and the Bay: The Human Dimension of Chesapeake Bay Restoration Collectively, we have been working towards the restoration of Chesapeake Bay for around five decades; in fact, CRC celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2022. We have seen a lot of progress, but we also still have a long way to go. What needs [...]

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January 2022 Director’s Corner

By |2022-01-19T22:11:06-05:00January 3rd, 2022|Categories: CRC News, CRC Streamline, Director's Corner, Jan 2022|

January 2022 Director's Corner Welcome to a new format of the Director’s Corner and of Streamlines! Over the last year, we have enjoyed building a space for collective musing, vexing, and connecting via our webinar series (Roundtable) and the expanded readership of this newsletter. What we hoped would happen has, indeed, [...]

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