(Photo by Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program)

Welcome to the CRC Publications database. Here, you can search for and access over 150 documents published by the CRC since its founding in 1972, including numerous research project reports, conference proceedings, research synthesis reports, and other original documents produced  by the CRC.  These include, for example, searchable PDF copies of early NSF project reports authored by the CRC’s “founding fathers” (L. Eugene Cronin, William J. Hargis, Jr., and Donald W. Pritchard) and their many professional colleagues during the important pre-CBP partnership years (1972-1983).

Note:  Most publications for the Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) have been published by the CRC since the CBP’s creation in 1984.  These publications have been separately cataloged, however, and most are not available here. For a comprehensive searchable database of STAC publications, click here.

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McDonald, W.M., Dymond, R.L., and Lohani, V.K.. (2017). Evaluation of Continuous Monitoring as a Tool for Municipal Stormwater Management Programs. Download.

Graham, Andrew M., Cameron-Burr, Keaton, Hajic, Hayley A., Lee, Connie, Msekela, Deborah and Gilmour, Cynthia C.. (2017). Sulfurization of Dissolved Organic Matter Increases Hg-Sulfide-Dissolved Organic Matter Bioavailability to a Hg-Methylating Bacterium. Download.

Prosser, D. J., T. E. Jordan, J. L. Nagel, R. D. Seitz, D. E. Weller, D. F. Whigham. (2017). Impacts of Coastal Land Use and Shoreline Armoring on Estuarine Ecosystems: an Introduction to a Special Issue. Download.

Chambers, B., Pearce, A., Edwards, M., and Dymond, R.. (2017). Experiences of Green Building Professionals with Water Related Systems. Download.

Hazelton, Eric L. G., Downard, Rebekah, Kettenring, Karin M., McCormick, Melissa K. and Whigham, Dennis F.. (2017). Spatial and Temporal Variation in Brackish Wetland Seedbanks: Implications for Wetland Restoration Following Phragmites Control.. Download.

Thomas Jordan, Donald E. Weller, Carey E. Pelc. (2017). Effects of Local Watershed Land Use on Water Quality in Mid-Atlantic Coastal Bays and Subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay. Download.

Cooper, B., Dymond, R., and Shao, Y.. (2017). Impervious Comparison of NLCD Versus a Detailed Dataset over Time. Download.

Jurgens, L. J., Freestone, Amy L., Ruiz, Gregory M. and Torchin, Mark E.. (2017). Prior predation alters community resistance to an extreme climate disturbance. Download.

Elizabeth Turner, Thomas Jordan. (2017). Integrating Regional Management Needs into a Mid-Atlantic Shorelines Research Project. Download.

Bender, P., Dymond, R., and Aguilar, M.. (2017). Development of Effective Procedures for Illicit Discharge Risk Mapping. Download.