(Photo by Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program)
CRC Roundtable is a monthly virtual seminar series, to host targeted, inclusive, and informed conversations matching scientific advances and management needs in a way that moves us collectively forward toward decision-making for effective and sustainable management of the Chesapeake Bay, its watershed, and its living resources.
The lunchtime seminars invites a diverse range of researchers, managers, and other professionals to have timely conversations around topics relevant to the Chesapeake partnership. The seminars are designed to promote contribution, not just consumption, of information with short presentations followed by facilitated discussion among attendees.They provide a place for participants to “ask the clumsy questions”. The seminars also build connectivity across participating organizations and identify ways to increase our collective competency for decision making.
The CRC Roundtable is supported in part by
the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office.
The 50th CRC Roundtable: Thinking Across Boundaries
January 22nd, 12-1 pm
The current and future challenges facing us globally and around the Chesapeake Bay require convening people across numerous boundaries: scientific disciplines, tributary watersheds, state lines, time scales, and more. Finding sustainable, long-term solutions to wicked problems requires a new world view of thinking larger than ourselves and our immediate communities; we need to think like a civilization.
Join us on Wednesday, January 22nd, from 12-1 pm to discuss how to think bigger with a futurist.
- Paul Saffo, Technology Forecaster